Edible Castle was a web series that follows the comedic adventures of a troop of wacky medieval characters, including two bickering soldiers, a deranged court jester and a Goblin named Clive, among others. The series features surreal and absurdist humor, often involving pop culture references and parodies. Each episode is typically less than five minutes long and features cut-out style animation with a vibrant color palette. The show gained a cult following for its quirky sense of humor and unique animation style.
Design was a crucial aspect of the cartoon. The show's distinctive visual style was created by myself, drawing inspiration from a variety of sources, including contempory graphic design and memories of childhood cartoons. The characters were designed to be easily recognizable, with bold shapes, bright colors, and exaggerated features.
Along with witty writing from Andrew Dennis, the attention to detail in the design of Edible Castle was a key factor in the show's success. The cartoon's distinctive and memorable characters, combined with its bizzare storylines, helped to make it stand out from other web series at the time.
Examples of other work can be accessed from the main page